Autors: Ivo
Perfekcionisms – drauds vai draugs prokrastinācijai?
Perfekcionisms un prokrastinācija ir divi jēdzieni, kas var rasties kopā, jo perfekcionisms var kļūt par prokrastinācijas iemeslu. Tāpēc ir svarīgi izprast, kā šie divi faktori…
Ace To Face With Middle Age, I Was Stuck In A Rut From Which I Saw No Way Out
I did it! I raised two kids who are now quite successful across the board. For years, I heard my friends crowing about how much…
Productivity Methods To Get More Work Done
Do you feel unsatisfied after a long, hard day at work, like there were so many tasks left undone despite all your efforts? At the…
Prokrastinācijas zinātne: Kas tā tāda ir un kā ar to cīnīties
Tu neesi slinks: Zinātne par to, kāpēc mēs prokrastinējam It’s the 1st of January once again. You roll out of bed, both energized and trepidatious…
Best Practical Tips to Overcome Procrastination
You’ve missed a deadline and are trying to mitigate the consequences by shortening the delay time. You are experiencing pangs of rage and are wondering…
The Many Harmful Effects of Procrastination
Procrastination is a common habit for many people all over the world. It’s easy to put off things that seem difficult or tedious, like tidying…
The Ultimate Guide to Overcoming Procrastination
Procrastination can be a destructive force in life. It prevents you from getting things done and causes you to feel anxious and stressed. Many people…