Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

1. nodarbība, Prokrastinācijas aplis

Labdien, dārgo student!

Man ir patiess prieks tevi redzēt šajā nodarbībā. Šīs nodarbības mērķis ir iepazīt sevi un saprast kā strādā tavs prāts, lai tu varētu virzīties savu mērķu virzienā un sasniegt tos pēc iespējas ātrāk un vieglāk.

Prokrastinācijas apļa elementi

Šajā nodarbībā apskatīsim, kādi ir galvenie prokrastinācijas izraisītāji, kuru dēļ mēs atliekam svarīgos darbus, meklējam attaisnojumus, sākam sev pārmest, kritizēt un pat izdomāt nevajadzīgus noteikumus un sākam izdarīt neloģiskus pieņēmumus, kas viss In the upcoming lessons, we’ll look into what usually triggers your procrastination behavior (Procrastination Triggers), what you tend to do instead of the priority task at hand when you procrastinate (Procrastination Activities), the excuses you use to rationalize your actions (Procrastination Excuses), the damaging self-critical talk you address yourself with (Self- Critical Talk), unhelpful rules and assumptions that guide your behavior on conscious or even sub-conscious levels, and finally, how all of the above add up to form The Procrastination Cycle.

By the end of this section, you’ll be able to recognize your thoughts and the tricks your mind plays on you to keep procrastinating.

For now, let’s carry on this lesson by covering 2 of the 9 procrastination triggers.

Negative Emotions

Negative emotions like feeling overwhelmed, fear of failure, anger, and disappointment with oneself or others often result in people giving in to procrastination more easily.

Far-Reaching Rewards

The problem with a lot of tasks and projects is that you’re often getting rewarded only long into the future. The far-reaching rewards provide less urgency and motivation to take action now.

Nodarbības uzdevumi

  • Reflect on 2 Procrastination Triggers
  • Schedule Your Mācies Viegli Plan

Reflect On 2 Procrastionation Triggers

Reflect on the first 2 Procrastionation Triggers:

  • Negative Emotions
  • Far Reaching Rewards

Have negative emotions ever triggered you to start procrastinating?

And what about the far-reaching rewards?

Have you ever procrastinated because you simply didn’t face any urgency and motivation due to rewards only appearing far in the future?
