Lesson 1 of 0
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2. nodarbība

Capture Procrastination Triggers

We do not do anything without a reason. Something must be causing our thoughts and actions: a fear, a thought, a belief, or an anction.

So let’s look at the remaining Procrastination Triggers.

Lack of Motivation

People attribute a lack of motivation to laziness. However, these two are exlusive entities. You may procrastinate simply because the task at hand is not exciting enough or you don’t see any purpose/value in it.

Lack of Self-Discipline

We live in a world where our attention is being drawn by too many things. From entertainment to education to social media sites, these factors might divert your focus towards less important activities.

Vague or Difficult Goals

When you have goals that are not specifically defined, seem out of reach, or are not aligned with your purpose, you are likely to put off working on them.


Serious procrastinators often get into a vicious cycle of anxiety. Anxiety shuts down your brain and causes you to procrastinate, which results in more anxiety – and so the cycle goes on.

Desire for perfection

Being a perfectionist may result in you putting off the task or avoiding it altogether rather than attempting it and achieving something you’re not satisfied with.

Negative Feedback

Fear of negative feedback often causes you to limit yourself from being your true self. As a result, procrastination sets in, and you settle for something less.

Today’s tasks (Nodarbības uzdevumi)

  • Reflect on All Procrastination Triggers

Review all procrastination triggers and click on the button below. The button will lead you to an exercise on this app where you can capture your most common procrastination triggers.

  • Catch your procrastination triggers

Think about what triggers most often cause you to procrastinate. Then click the plus buttons on the most accurate options below: negative emotions, far-reaching rewards, lack of motivation, vague goals, anxiety, lack of self-discipline, difficult goals, desire for perfection, negative feedback.

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