Lesson 1 of 0
In Progress

6. nodarbība

Identify the self-critical talk

Today’s tasks

  • Capture Your Self-Critical Talk

Reflect on any task or goal you’ve procrastinated on. How did it make you feel? Have you ever beaten yourself up? Have you ever used critical language on yourself that you wouldn’t use to criticize your friends or family?

If yes, capture such self-critical language on this app. You’ll learn how to overcome your self-critical talk in Part 3 of this program.

Capture Your Self-Critical Talk

What negative language do you use on yourself? Form a list of your self-critical talks below.

Type here… Example: I’m such a loser! I should’ve done this already.

Add Self-Critical Talk (button)

Review Your List (-2 Self-Critical Talks)


Welcome back, ___________!

After discussing procrastination excuses, we can move on to the other type of self-talk that must be addressed to stop procrastinating: your critical self-talk.

The Problem with Self- Criticism

By berating yourself for putting things off, you only make it more difficult to getthings done. Notice that harmful self-criticism often doesn’t separate your behavior from who you are as a person and your unique attributes. This is crucial, as such an approach violates the major rules of giving feedback (giving feedback on the behavior, not the person).

Additionally, rather than focusing on what can be done moving forward, critical self-talk concentrates on what hasn’t been done. The problem is that the past cannot be changed… and yet we still often tend to fixate on it.

Notice Your Self-Critical Talk

Start noticing and recording your most frequent self-criticisms. Specifically for the most important tasks/goals you define for yourself, tune into the self-talk that criticizes your lack of accomplishments.

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